Raleigh CrimeStoppers - A Non Profit Organization

Raleigh CrimeStoppers work with the police, the media, and the community to create a confidential flow of information about crime and criminals. At the heart of CrimeStoppers are the anonymous tips, often provided by a confidential online tip or phone call.
The Anonymous Tip
Help Solve Crimes
Tipsters call the CrimeStoppers tips line and speak with a CrimeStoppers coordinator. This line does not provide caller ID, and conversations are not recorded. Information gleaned from the call is given to an investigating officer. Tips received can include responses to requests for information publicized by the media or other crimes the caller knows about.
By guaranteeing anonymity, CrimeStoppers allows tipsters to give information without the threat of retribution. Offering cash rewards for information leading to arrests encourages tipsters to provide information.
Structure of CrimeStoppers
Non Profit
Raleigh CrimeStoppers is a non profit organization. A civilian community board of directors guides the financial and promotional activities of the program. The board of directors leads fundraising and community awareness efforts to enhance community involvement, which is a vital aspect of the program’s success.


Raleigh CrimeStoppers has openings on its Board of Directors. We are seeking people who have a passion for serving the community and supporting the Raleigh Police Department. The Board meetings are on the first Thursday of each month from 10:30-12:00. If you are interested, please send us a message via the contact page.
Elizabeth Berry, Past President
John Odom, Past President
Jonathan Kamin
Ami DePierro
Tom Adams, President
Jennifer Martin
Carlo Matos
Herschel Pleasant
Miller Lawson, Secretary
Charles Penny, LT.
Matthew Frey, LT.
Robert Courts, Vice President
Leslie Inscore, Treasurer
Dylan Willis